Tuesday 9 October 2012



My name is grace, I'm not the sporty kind and I'm not amazing at socialising. Therefore, I have too much time on my hands and recently, I have started to wonder what I am going to do with all this time.

I considered many things. Maybe I could upload photos on Instagram ? Well I started out and I was very successful, 13 followers ! But because I hadn't put the 'friends only' security option on, I was quickly banned from instagraming again.

I thought maybe I could be a famous youtube vlogger. I created an account, made my first video, edited the shit out of it, I even uploaded. After 23 views, I decided it was way too embarrassing for me. Being a complete pussy, I took it down, being too concerned about what others would think of me. Loser, I know.

I started tumblr, thinking of maybe being the coolest hipster on earth and publish all my photos of Nutella and me looking at the ground. I soon discovered how much tumblr pissed me off, I do not understand the passion some teenagers have for it.

Youtube, Instagram, Tumblr and at one stage I even considered writing a book. Finally I have come to the decision to start a blogging. As a strongly opinionated teenager, I feel that the decision I have made was the right one.

Hope you enjoy reading my majestic thoughts x